
I have thrived living in a vehicle since 2013

Apart from not paying rent, personal discovery and going on lots of road trips, I have also learned an incredible amount about electrical power systems and optimizing space.

The vehicle home often mirrors the values of the dweller. For me it was critical to be able to work on my laptop and small projects out of the vehicle. I wanted to be able to haul large objects; I wanted to have guests comfortable hang out and of course room for an overnight guest is critical. This resulted in a very complicated folding bed that could transform from a king size sleeping area to a desk or just get out of the way completely to allow large cargo. It took a few iterations to balance weight, structure, complexity and usability, but the results have been wonderful.

Storage efficiency played a key role in keeping the space feeling open but also having plenty of essentials for different scenarios. Effective storage density comes from a strong design philosophy. The frames used for the bed and under bed storage were informed by a survey of what off the shelf storage solutions existed. Considering the dimensions of actual boxes in the world allowed me to build structures and months later when I got to the details of storage, everything fit just right!

My current energy system is 400 watts of low profile/low wind drag solar panels on the roof connected by a charge controller to a custom bank of 18650 cells I put together. A custom battery I built allows for the designer to use marginal spaces that would otherwise be difficult to use. My battery bank fit very well under my shelf leaving other parts of the van available for storage.
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