The result was a massive learning experience for a young Eli. The learning potential of full car disassembly is massive. I gleaned much knowledge about how things are built to be cost optimized by tearing these cars (and many others) apart. The only thing usable from the Morris was its body, it looks like a 4 door mini cooper; very cute. The Miata had a totally functional driveline and braking system, they were both blue, so I figured they would go right together no problem. I could list all the reasons it was really hard to put the two together, but it mostly happened and I drove it once or twice. I hadn't picked up welding yet, so I enlisted a local hot rod shop to integrate the cars with a custom frame. This experience is where I learned to keep a critical eye open with vendors.
I had to cut all the frame components related to wheel alignment and take it into a shop for major adjustment. I got the engine working and a parking brake installed, but at this point renewable energy solutions were becoming a priority in my world and I saw very little future for this creation. It was a good exercise in defying the sunk cost fallacy and recognizing when to fold em.